Thursday, July 9, 2009


Fact: Buck is the only person over the age of 5 to buy juice boxes.

Fact: Buck spent $150 on an adjustable palm tree.

Fact: Buck stacks up used __________.

Fact: Buck shaves his body in other people's shower, which in turn, clogs the drain.

Fact: Buck can grow a beard in 3 minutes.

Fact: Buck tried to pull a front flip but over-rotated and hit his face due to poor timing and weak coordination skills.

Fact: Buck sheds his toe nails every few months, he then eats them.

1 comment:

  1. 1. true

    2. false - upwards of $200

    3. toothpicks

    4. false - i have never clogged a drain

    5. true

    6. false - the only flip i've ever messed up was a mctwist off the Avalon, NJ bridge at low tide... i cried that day

    7. false - i eat toe skin, not nails


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