Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Fact: Buck is the reason we can't have nice things

Fact: Buck's parents wish he was Matt Ryan

Fact: Buck has never purchased anything he needed

Fact: Buck's 401k is made up of Ryan Howard cards and Diablo characters

Fact: Buck does not run Phoenixville

Fact: Only half of Buck's front tooth is real

Fact: Buck shaves his chest during work hours

Fact: Buck finished last place in Global Guts

1 comment:

  1. Fact: Buck was once melee'd 15 consecutive times in Call of Duty without recording a kill

    Fact: A majority of Buck's hookups have also hooked up with Shea

    Fact: Buck auditioned for Real World Cancun but was rejected because he wasn't athletic enough

    Fact: Buck once spent $50 on a case of Snapple


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